& tomorrow I will do it again.

"I will love you like God, because of God, mighted by the power of God. I will not expect your love, demand your love, trade for your love, game for your love. I will simply love. 

I am giving myself to you, & tomorrow I will do it again. God risked himself on me, I will risk myself on you. & together we will learn to love, & perhaps then, only then, understand the gravity that drew Him unto us." 

-Donald Miller

{photo: Tim Fleenor Photography}

Who knows where this path will take us
 but let us go hand in hand & promise not to let go
 because it may lead somwhere vast & amazing.


One response to & tomorrow I will do it again.

  1. Christine says:

    Love this! Hope you had a wonderful Anniversary. See you in 2 days!

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it's me. amanda howard.