New Space


Nate & I have had an exciting and busy summer launching our new photography business.
We post all of our photo projects over on our photography blog now instead of on here.  
I'm exciting because I will be getting back to this little space again with a new focus... and a new URL.

Come follow along, friends. 

->->->->---------------------> BEAUTY IN THE <---------------------<-<-<-<-

9.17.2012 Leave a comment

& tomorrow I will do it again.

"I will love you like God, because of God, mighted by the power of God. I will not expect your love, demand your love, trade for your love, game for your love. I will simply love. 

I am giving myself to you, & tomorrow I will do it again. God risked himself on me, I will risk myself on you. & together we will learn to love, & perhaps then, only then, understand the gravity that drew Him unto us." 

-Donald Miller

{photo: Tim Fleenor Photography}

Who knows where this path will take us
 but let us go hand in hand & promise not to let go
 because it may lead somwhere vast & amazing.

6.03.2012 1 Comment

go outside.

ride your bike. fly some kites. leave the city. dance in fields of dandelions.

5.03.2012 1 Comment

My Mister

I found this jewel when looking through some old photos this weekend.
This was taken back before Nate & I were engaged.
It is my favorite photo of him. 
& he is my favorite human. 

4.22.2012 2 Comments

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it's me. amanda howard.